Barbell Decline Bench Press ,target Muscles,Instructions Step by Step,Mistakes And Tips For Bigger Chest-left sidebar

Hello to everyone,Now I will show you the  Barbell Decline Bench Press exercise and its target Muscles,Instructions Step by Step,Mistakes And Tips For Bigger Chest.

Barbell Decline Bench Press

People  wants well shaped and big lower chest.This exercise develops the lower part of the chest.Arnold thinks that the Barbell Decline Bench Press is the best exercise to develop the lower chest.The decline bench press is an exercise for anyone who is looking to build their chest. The decline bench press is a great movement to single out your chest muscles, especially your lower pecs. Unlike the flat bench press, the decline bench press is a more effective way to stimulate your chest muscles when performed with correct form. In addition, the decline bench press provides less stress on your shoulders and lower back, while still targeting your pectoral muscles, anterior deltoid, and tricep brachii.

Target Muscles

When you perform the decline bench press exerciser with a barbell you target your pectoralis major's sternal heads. These muscles are your chest, or lower pecs, and assist in many upper-body movements. The other muscles that help you execute the decline bench press exercise are the clavicular head of your pectorals, anterior deltoids, triceps and biceps.

Instructions Step by Step

1.Set up the bench at 30-45° and lie with your head and shoulders supported by the bench and your feet secured beneath pads.

2.Start using a medium width grip (a grip that creates a 90-degree angle in the middle of the movement between the forearms and the upper arms), un-rack the bar with tight gripping and hold it straight over you with your arms locked. The arms should be perpendicular to the floor. This will be your starting position.

3.Slowly down the bar at your lower chest part as you breathe in with nose,this streaches the lower chest muscles.

4.As you breathe out with mouth,after one or two seconds pause bring the bar back to the starting position.You will push the bar with you chest muscles.

5.Repeat the desired repetitions and when you are done,rack the bar at its initial position.

Mistakes and correction


Many people ask question which is the best grip to bench press.The scientific answer for better gripping are as follow:

  • Some people feels comfortable with thumb less grip but this grip leads to accident in the gym.Your bar can slip out of your hands and fall down directly on your chest that causes injuries.Using this grip you can easily bench press because the barbell closer to your wrist and it puts the pressure on your forearm.But sincerely it is dangerous.The bar will kill you on the spot, or you’ll die later from internal bleeding.

  • You Always Bench Press using the full grip. Wrap your thumbs around the bar to secure it. Squeeze the bar hard so it can’t move in your hands. This will increase your strength at the same time by contracting your arms and shoulders muscles more. If your wrists hurt, you’re holding the bar too high. Put it lower in your hands, close to your wrists. You must Bench Press with straight wrists and the bar over your forearm bones.


2.Position Of Elbows

  • This type of bench press is the best exercise to destroy your shoulder because when you lower the bar ,the top of your upper-arm bone squeezes your rotator cuff tendons against your AC joint. This irritates your rotator cuff on every rep and inflames them. Your shoulders will hurt.

  • Tuck your elbows 75° at the bottom to avoid shoulder impingement.This angle is best for bigger chest.The angle depends on the size of your shoulder's width and height.By doing so your elbows is vertically parallel to the floor.This protects you from shoulder injuries.


  •  If you bench press with bent wrist you will hurt.Wrong wrist position pushes the hand back which causes wrist pain.Simply it will stretch the wrist from its limit and causes injury. It puts the bar behind your forearms instead of on top of it.
  • The bar exerts pressure directly on your wrist, if your wrist slightly bend towards forward you will get hurt because your wrist stenches from outward which can results into serious injuries. 

  • The best position to hold the bar is with the neutral wrist position.It pushes the bar straight with  utmost force.You will feel comfortable with this wrist position.

4.Bench Pressing Heavy without Power Rack or Spotter

  •  The most dangerous mistake you can make is Bench Pressing heavy without Power Rack or spotter. If you fail, the bar will drop on your face, break your nose/teeth and kill you. Or it will drop on your throat and strangle you. Or it will drop on your chest, crush your ribcage and kill you that way. Millions of people Bench Press safely. But a few overly confident (or ignorant) Bench Pressers die each year after failing to lift the bar.

  • The most dangerous mistake you can make is Bench Pressing heavy without Power Rack or spotter. If you fail, the bar will drop on your face, break your nose/teeth and kill you. Or it will drop on your throat and strangle you. Or it will drop on your chest, crush your ribcage and kill you that way. Millions of people Bench Press safely. But a few overly confident (or ignorant) Bench Pressers die each year after failing to lift the bar.

Tips For Bigger Chest

  • Always wear gloves for better gripping.
  • Slightly bend your elbows while squeezing your chest.It will prevent elbow injuries. 
  • Use helper when you lift heavy.
  • Breathe inhale with nose and exhale with mouth.
  • Warm up before any exercise.
  • Stretch your muscles between sets.
  • You ensure that your body will be hydrated.
  • Carefully unrack the bar. 
  • There should be muscle mind connection.
  • Maximum force generate when your feet  highly gripped.
  • Keep your chest up (thoracic extension) throughout the movement.
  • Elbows should be tucked and end up at approximately 45 degrees from your side.
  • Unrack the weight and take a deep breath and hold it.
  • Row the weight down to your chest by pulling the bar apart like a bent over row. Do not relax and let the weight drop.
  • Back, hips, glutes and legs are tight and isometrically contracted.
  • When you touch your chest, drive your feet downward and reverse the movement.
  • Lock out the elbows without losing your arch and thoracic extension.

I hope "Barbell Decline Bench Press ,target Muscles,Instructions Step by Step,Mistakes And Tips For Bigger Chest" article is beneficial for you.Thanks[left-sidebar]

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